super mario

The Origins of Super Mario

Mario was created by Shigeru Miyamoto and appeared in the game designer's first ever title, the 1981 arcade platformer, Donkey Kong.

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mushroom box star

35 years ago Super Mario Bros, the iconic video game from Nintendo debuted. Players controlled Mario making him run and jump through levels filled with giants mushroom, turtles and other strange obstacles.

Mario was not the main character in his first video game appearance and he wasn't a plumber, either is name wasn't Mario. The evolution of Mario is quite significant in terms of super power gained and graphic aspect breaking the flat 2D mould.

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See how Super Mario changed over 35 Years. The face of gaming changed forever when Nintendo released Super Mario Bros. on Sept. 13, 1985 — making a star out of its lead character, Mario. But this wasn’t the mustachioed hero's debut. Mario’s origins go back several years earlier, to another classic game. In 1981, Nintendo looked to break into the American arcade market with their game Radar Scope. The structure of levels has greatly changed throughout the series. Many early games followed a simple level one of world one system. Now many games feature different ways to choose your levels. Another huge change to the games has been the multiplayer aspect.

While Mario is one of the series that popularized player two, it has since made playing with your family a breeze. One of the most surprising moves the franchise has made is leaping off of Nintendo consoles. Gamers who love the series can play Super Mario Run on their Apple and Android devices. The mobile game is the first time that Mario has appeared on smartphone devices. One of the biggest changes you will notice from the first Mario title is how much the enemies have changed. The game's enemies have gone through several changes throughout the years, and now some even look completely different than their original designs.

Here is Mario!

mario mushroom

Mario is widely considered to be the most famous video game character in history and certainly an icon of the gaming industry. Mario series has sold more than 500 million copies, is the best selling video game franchise. There is no game that remain so popular year after year and no one have been kept in the public eye as long as Mario and with a consistently good series. Mario, with his distinctive red overalls and unfortunate habit of losing his love interest to a spiky over-sized turtle, has become a much-loved part of millions of people's lives. Mario is amorphous. His lack of specificity makes him the most malleable mascot and the most versatile video game character, capable of adapting to different decades and genres: racers, RPGs, puzzle games, party games, sports games.

Although Mario made his mark by inventing and repeatedly reinventing the platformer, from the arcade to consoles to portable platforms and from blocky 2D to polygonal paradises, the character’s legacy has been burnished by his contributions to franchises whose play styles bear little resemblance to the Super Mario series that started 35 years ago.

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The Super Mario’s gadget collection is rich of fascinating, amusing and practical products. The mustached plumber became a real reference point for a whole generation of gamers.

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Funny Pictures

Let's celebrate Super Mario with some hilarious pieces of fun art and comics featuring from the world famous Super Mario and many other from the Mario universe.

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